Pay for what you use and nothing more

FojiSoft offers a flexible payment model where you are charged solely based on your usage without any initial commitment.

ForgeAI Machine Learning Models can be trained either automatically or on-demand. Monthly usage is tracked by the number of minutes spent training the models.

ForgeAI Model Training

First 30 Minutes
30 Minutes - 1 Hour
1 Hour - 5 Hours
5 Hours - 10 Hours
10 Hours - 25 Hours
25 Hours - 50 Hours
> 50 Hours


All features are included in the cost of usage, ensuring that users have access to the full range of functionality without incurring any additional fees.

Included Features

Unlimited User Accounts
Anomaly Detection
36 Month Full-Resolution Data Retention
Correlation Configurations
Unlimited Real-time Alerts
Forecast Monitoring
Data Connectors
IoT Device Monitoring
Single Sign-On
Unlimited Dashboards/Reports
Unlimited Incidents
Financial Operations Management

Ready to dive in?

Better business observability with FojiSoft is just a click away and you only pay for what you use!

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